Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Big Basement Critter: Scutigera coleoptrata

Saw this critter on the basement window this evening. The first articulate thought that came into my head was "get the camera." I've seen centipedes around here before, but not one like this or as big as this one was. It's quite common in the US. The common name is "House Centipede," taxonomically classified as Scutigera coleoptrata. I like that the word "scoot" can be heard in the genus name, 'cause that what this thing did when it got too much camera flash: it scooted.

By the way, is a great site with lots of pictures of insects and other critters sent in by visitors. And the maintainers of the site provide information on the creatures that people ask about, many of which are common enough, but rarely seen unless you get outdoors much. Yet, the House Centipede, which I failed to recognize (other than as a centipede of some sort), seems to be the most popular creature in the humorous Unnecesary Carnage page of the site.


At Sat Nov 07, 09:45:00 AM 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have these in my basement...lots actually! I was able to catch one for a science experiment. So I was wondering what they eat?


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